Monday, 4 March 2019

Welcome to 2019

HI, Bloggers I hope you guys all have a great fun holidays

In a new year we started to make our own Getting To Know You Form. These have: My family background, Things I like, My friends,Things I'm good at, What do I want to people to know about me? What is  important about my family, Things I don't like and you can pick a photo to put in middle. This is my one. We learned to use the Read&Write tool and it is super awesome, Read&Write has lots tool to help you write like Prediction for your words, the Dictionary can let you check the words'meaning, you can use play to let Read&Write read for you. The Talk&type can let you just say the words and Read&Write will type for you.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Alan. It is very interesting to read about your family history. Your English is improving very quickly. I like your use of colours in your document.


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